POMOSHCH medelst dig hjälp mig? helpers: 1) February 24, 7 pm: ‘”RSONel” revisited’ Stefan Tcherepnin, Robert The, Hanna Törnudd & Jan Vorisek. 2) March 2, 7 pm: ’Skype Weekend’ Stefan Tcherepnin, Max Brand & Anne Imhof – March 3, 6 pm: Hakim Bey Reading Group with Peter Lamborn Wilson (New York via Skype). 4) April 1, 6 pm: ‘what is it that comes coiling in the morning?’ Karl Holmqvist & Stefan Tcherepnin.

Max Brand, Karl Holmqvist, Anne Imhof, Stefan Tcherepnin, Robert The, Hanna Törnudd, Jan Vorisek, Peter Lamborn Wilson
February 21 – April 21, 2012

Exhibition Images and Videos

This page contains 292 images and 2 videos documenting this exhibition. 0 images contain text descriptions. Videos may contain author and title information.