Galleries have always been a crucial pillar of support for our work, but are even more important to the organization since we created Contemporary Art Library.

If you agree with our goal of creating a free, trustworthy place for anyone to learn about the work of artists, there are a few key ways your gallery can help:

-If your gallery doesn't yet have any records in the Library, please submit your venue to be included.

- If your gallery has a listing in the Library, that means you're eligible to participate in our Partnership program. In exchange for a modest monthly commitment, we'll prioritize your submissions of new projects to the Library, acknowledge you on your listing and on our Thank You page, and advertise your gallery on Contemporary Art Daily.

- Help us add your gallery's important history to the Library. We would love to talk to you about receiving documentation of your past programs so that we can include them in our records. Send us an email and we'll get in touch with you right away.

- Please submit documentation of your current projects. Submitting an exhibition or performance to the Library automatically flags it so we can consider publishing it on Contemporary Art Daily, too.

Thank you!